Saturday 22 June 2013

When the footsteps lead to Ed Wood

Isn't it strange how sometimes everything seems completely pointless? Why does one thing or another at one point start to seem utterly irrelevant? Well, to me, personally, I believe it is because sometimes, in a certain state of mind, I discover how ridiculously infinite and unsolvable are most of my questions and matters.
In fact, I am an aspiring English literature student. I'm not English. Or american. Or from any other country where English is the native language (that said you should not judge me harshly for grammar, vocabulary or any other kind of mistakes). I currently entered the age of endless considerations and contradictions. Though there is one thing I know for sure: I want to write. Whether it's stories, autobiographies, articles, or even criticism. Or something much more complex and valuable. But how does one know that he or she possesses the required talent and skills? I believe I'm not the only one frequently wondering. Today I was lucky enough to dig some pure gold from Ralph Waldo Emerson's work. "The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do nor does he know until he has tried." It isn't anything new, in fact. Just the famous phrase "you don't know until you've tried" in fancy words. But I really was moved by the words power which resides in him is new in nature. As if the true artist - writer and poet - has this mysterious and divine power, almost godlike. And the thought that each young person holds something substantial is quite comforting at this stage of my life. But the essential matter for creation is the self consciousness and reflection of my own dreams and aspirations. I must write if every single cell in my body screams so. Even if the material is completely absurd and the only reaction from audience is indifference and reasoned criticism. I do it because I live for the moments of creation and only during these moments I feel true and undoubtedly pure joy.
Something like Edward Davis Wood did. I imagine that, ultimately, in some part of the world, someone must enjoy the result of a creator's work, no matter how ridiculous or incompetent it may seem.

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